Morgan Freeman's Excellent Adventure

Morgan Freeman looked outside of his window. “F#$%!” He shouted, as a cow collided with his brand new Ferrari. Then, the cow got up and started driving the Ferrari. The cow drove for a while, but began to get terribly thirsty. So, it went back to the barn and headed for water Mountain Dew. Suddenly a skeleton popped out of the Mountain Dew. The cow didn’t care about the skeleton, so it falcon punched the skeleton, and it exploded. The cow went back to drinking Mountain Dew, when, suddenly, it began to get suspicious. The cow said, “ALLAHU ACKBAR” and blew up right next to the Ferrari. Morgan Freeman heard the explosion, and went outside to see if anything was harmed, damaged, vandalized, violated, arsoned, raped- (I’m sorry, my attorney is making me recite all of this). When he noticed his damaged Ferrari. Morgan Freeman did a rain dance, and when that did nothing, he went to Gamestop to purchase a car repair manual from Walmart. He read the instructions, but his mind blanked out when he came across the first word. Suddenly, a grammar book popped out of nowhere. “Yes,” he thought to himself, “every language needs grammar, even Italian.” But then a skeleton popped out! But it was the same skeleton from before so it killed Morgan Freeman as revenge. Then, it started chasing me! It chased me from 69:00 to 13:37. It was gaining on me, I heard it getting closer and closer. I suddenly found myself cornered. I contemplated my last moments as its phalanges got closer. There was nothing I could do. I sat in the darkness, thinking about the great life I had as I heard its non-existent breathing getting closer.
Then I Fus Roh Dah’d that bitch into space
But then I died from cancer


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